actor = अभिनेता
actress = अभिनेत्री
actually = प्रत्यक्षात
actually = प्रत्यक्षात;वास्तविक पाहता;खरे पाहता
add = जोडा
admission (in a school) = प्रवेश
admit (something that was kept hidden) = कबूल करणे
advantage = लाभ,फायदा
advantageous = लाभदायक
agile = चपळ
airplane = विमान
airtight = हवाबंद
analysis = विश्लेषण
angle = कोन
area (of a closed surface) = क्षेत्रफळ
area (like a place) = क्षेत्र
argument (as in “They had an argument.”) = वाद
argument (as in “Your argument is valid.”) = मुद्दा
assimilate = आत्मसात
assurance = खात्री
astrology = ज्योतिष
astronomy = खगोलशास्त्र
atom = अणू
attitude = वृत्ती
automatic = स्वयंचलित
back to pavillion = तंबूत परत
backyard = परस;मागील अंगण
- Sentence - परसात जाऊन खेळा.
balcony = गच्ची;सज्जा
basement/cellar = तळघर
basic = मूलभूत
basket = टोपली
bathroom = मोरी;न्हाणी;न्हाणीघर
batsman = फलंदाज
bed = पलंग
bedroom = शयनकक्ष;झोपायची खोली
board = फळा
boat = नाव;होडी
boil = उकळणे
book = पुस्तक
boundary = सीमारेषा
bowler = गोलंदाज
box = पेटी
box = पेटी
breaking news = ताजी बातमी
bribe = लाच
building = इमारत
bus stop = बस स्थानक
butter = लोणी
cage = पिंजरा
calculator = गणकयंत्र
captain = कर्णधार
catch = झेल
caught out = झेलबाद
center = केंद्र
century = शतक
certainty = निश्चितता
certificate = प्रमाणपत्र
chair = खुर्ची
chance = संधी
channel (like a channel on TV/radio/YouTube etc.) = वाहिनी
check = पडताळा;तपासणी
checkup = तपासणी
cheeky run = चोरटी धाव
chill = थंडगार
chop = तुकडे करणे
circle = वर्तुळ
city = शहर
clean bowled = त्रिफळा
clearly = सुस्पष्ट
clinic = चिकित्सालय
coating = लेप
cold = थंड
colour = रंग
comfortable = आरामदायक
complex = क्लिष्ट;जटिल
computer = संगणक
concave = अंतर्वक्र
concept = संकल्पना
condition (as in terms and conditions) = अट
conference = परिषद
confirm = निश्चित;सुनिश्चित;पुष्टी
connect (a cable to a port) = जोड
constant = स्थिर
- Sentence - तू माझ्याशी शनिवारी संपर्क साधू शकतो का?
continuous = सतत
convex = बहिर्वक्र
cooking = स्वयंपाक
crate = खोके
credible = विश्वसनीय
criteria = निकष
critic = टीकाकार
critical = गंभीर
criticise = टीका करणे
criticism = टीका
cut = कापणे
decision = निर्णय
decisive = निर्णायक
degree (used in temperature unit deg.C.) = अंश
- Sentence - तिथे तापमान उणे १० अंश सेल्सिअस आहे.
detail = सखोल;सविस्तर;तपशील
devoted/loyal = एकनिष्ठ
dialect = बोलीभाषा
dilema = कोंडी
dim (low in intensity) = मंद
disadvantage = नुकसान
discouragement = उत्साहभंग
distribution = वितरण
double century = द्विशतक
drinks break = उपहरला खेळ थांबला
drinks on the ground = शीतपेय मैदानात
dwarf planet (pluto is a dwarf planet) = बटुग्रह
efficiency = कार्यक्षमता
efficient = कार्यक्षम
efforts = परिश्रम
emotional = भावनिक
encouragement = प्रोत्साहन
energy = ऊर्जा
entry = प्रवेश
error = त्रुटी,चूक
exchange = विनिमय
excited = उत्साहित
exhaust (ventilation) fan = वायुवीजन पंखा
- Comment - not sure, but seems correct from definition of ventilation
expected = अपेक्षित
experience = अनुभव
- Sentence - मला यात अनुभव आहे
explore = अन्वेषण
expression = अभिव्यक्ती
expression (on a person’s face) = भाव
extreme = अत्यंत
eyepiece (objective lens of an optical instrument) = नेत्रिका
fan = पंखा
fast pace = जलदगती
feedback = अभिप्राय
feeling = भावना
fielder = क्षेत्ररक्षक
firm (as in rigid or sturdy) = टणक;भक्कम
flat (apartment) = सदनिका
flight = उड्डाण
floor = मजला
focal length = केंद्रांतर;नाभीय अंतर
force = बळ
four = चौकार
friction = घर्षण
fry = तळणे
genuinely = यथार्थपणे
geometry = भूमिती
goat = शेळी
gravity = गुरुत्व
grind = दळणे
ground reality = जमिनीवरील वास्तव
guest room = अतिथीगृह;पाहुण्यांची खोली
hall (for a gathering or event) = सभागृह
hall (living room) = बैठक;बैठकीची खोली;माजघर;दिवाण खोली
- Comment - माजघरात घरच्या व्यक्ती असतात, तर बैठकीच्या खोलीत बाहेरून भेटायला येणारे. सध्या इतक्या वेगवेगळ्या खोल्या नसतात.
handled the ball = चेंडू हटल्ल्याने बाद
heat = उष्णता
hemisphere = गोलार्ध
hit wicket = स्वयमचीत
hole = छिद्र;विवर
horizon = क्षितिज
hospital = रुग्णालय
hosting (What a host of a program does) = सूत्रसंचालन
- Sentence - त्याने उत्तम सूत्रसंचालन केले.
ICU (intensive care unit in a medical facility) = अतिदक्षता विभाग
ignore = दुर्लक्ष
impossible = अशक्य
in detail = सविस्तर;विस्ताराने;तपशीलवार
inconvenience = गैरसोय
India = भारत
inner planets = अंतर ग्रह
innings declared = डाव घोषित
insurance = विमा
interest = रस
irreversible = अपरिवर्तनीय
job = नोकरी
job = नोकरी
kitchen = स्वयंपाकघर
language = भाषा
latest = नवीनतम
law = कायदा
layer = थर
LBW(leg before wicket) = पायचीत
leopard = बिबट्या
light = दिवा
- Sentence - स्वयंपाकघरातला दिवा बंद कर.
line = ओळ
link = दुवा
lion = सिंह
literally = अक्षरशः
lockdown = टाळेबंदी
loft = माळा
lucky = भाग्यशाली
magnet = चुंबक
magnification (of a lens/camera etc.) = विवर्धन क्षमता
maiden over = निर्धाव षटक
main = मुख्य
manpower = मनुष्यबळ
marks (in an exam) = गुण
marks (on a body) = वण
mat = चटई
match = सामना
match referee = सामनाधिकरी
match tied = सामना अनिर्णित
medium pace = मध्यमगती
meeting = बैठक
middle stump gone = मधली फळी कोसळली
midpoint = मध्यबिंदू
minus (prefix to a negative number) = उने
- Sentence - तिथे तापमान उणे १० अंश सेल्सिअस आहे.
moon = चंद्र
moon phase = चंद्रकला
moonlight = चांदणे
multiply = गुणाकार
narration = कथन
narrator = निवेदक
natural = नैसर्गिक
need = आवश्यकता;गरज
negative = नकारात्मक
news = बातमी;वृत्त;समाचार
news channel = वृत्तवाहिनी
news paper = वृत्तपत्र
- Comment - Colloquially also called as just “paper”
normal distribution = सामान्य वितरण
notebook = वही
notice board = सूचना फलक
number = संख्या;क्रमांक
observatory (a building housing a telescope or scientific equipment) = वेधशाळा
obtuse angle = विशाल कोन
official = अधिकृत
opener = सलामी खेळाडू
operation (of a thing) = चालणे
opportunity = संधी
option = पर्याय
orbit = कक्षा
outer planets = बाह्य ग्रह
over = षटक
paper (the material used to make pages) = कागद
parent = पालक
parenting = पालकत्व
parking lot = वाहनतळ
passage = पडवी;ओसरी
patience = संयम
patience = संयम
patient = रुग्ण
pavillion = तंबू
perimeter = परिमिती
peripheral vision = परिघीय दृष्टी
personal = वैयक्तिक
pharmacy (where you get medicine) = दवाखाना
- Comment - a.k.a. dispensary
plane (a flat surface passing through 3 points) = प्रतल
planet = ग्रह
player = गडी
point = बिंदू
positive = सकारात्मक
postpone;suspend;defer (to delay/put on hold something) = स्थगित करणे
- Sentence - त्यांनी उद्याचा कार्यक्रम स्थगित केला आहे.
prayer room = देवघर;पूजा घर
pressure = दाब
print (a document) = छाप
- Sentence - ते PDF आज छाप.
problem = समस्या
prominent = ठळक
proportion = प्रमाण
protective = संरक्षणात्मक
quality = गुणवत्ता
quantity = मात्रा
quarantine = विलगीकरण
reaction = प्रतिक्रिया
real = वास्तविक;खर
- Comment - Colloquially often used as “actually” at the start of a sentence.
rectangle = आयत
reflect (a beam of light) = परावर्तित करणे
reply = उत्तर
research = संशोधन
resignation = राजीनामा
reverse = उलट
reversible = उलट करता येण्यासारखा
right angle = काटकोन
road = रस्ता
roast = भाजणे
rocky = खडकाळ
run = धाव
runout = धावचीत
satellite = उपग्रह
school = शाळा
sensitive = संवेदनशील
sequence = क्रम
shape = आकार
sheep = मेंढी
ship = जहाज
situation = परिस्थिती
six = षटकार
size = आकारमान;माप
slow pace = मंदगती
solution = उपाय
spectrum = वर्णपटल
spin bowler = फिरकी गोलंदाज
spontaneous = उत्स्फूर्त
spy = हेर,गुप्तहेर
square = चौकोन
star = तारा
statement = विधान
steps = पायर्या
stress (of the mind) = ताण
- Comment - Colloquially also called as “tension”
study = अभ्यास
study room = अभ्यासिका;अभ्यासाची खोली
stumped out = यष्टीचीत
sturdy = भक्कम
submarine = पाणबुडी
subtract = वजाबाकी
sun = सूर्य
sunlight = सूर्यप्रकाश
surface = पृष्ठ;पृष्ठभाग
surgery = शस्त्रक्रिया
- Comment - Colloquially also called as “operation”
survey = सर्वेक्षण
swiftly = पटकन
symptom (of a disease) = लक्षण
- Sentence - मला कोरोनाचे लक्षण दिसत आहेत.
telescope = दुर्बीण
temperature = तापमान
tension (in a wire) = ताण
test (of someone’s strength) = परीक्षा
test (a diagnostic evaluation to determine cause of an illness) = चाचणी
test (a small/minor examination) = चाचणी
textbook = पाठ्यपुस्तक
thermometer = तापमापी
ticket = तिकीट
tiger = वाघ
time = वेळ
toilet = संडास;प्रसाधनगृह;प्रसाधनकक्ष
tour = दौरा
tower = मनोरा
transition (of a planet infront of the sun, when viewed from the Earth) = अतिक्रमण
- Sentence - आज दुपारी बुद्धाचं सूर्यावरचं अतिक्रमण पाहायला मिळेल.
travel = प्रवास
triangle = त्रिकोण
ultraviolet = अतिनील किरणे
umpire = पंच
unavoidable = अटळ
uncertainty = अनिश्चितता
uncomfortable = अस्वस्थ
unit = एकक
unofficial = अनधिकृत
ventilation = वायुवीजन
village = गाव
volume (of a 3 dimensional object) = घनफळ
warning = चेतावणी
weather = हवामान
weight = वजन
whistleblower = जागल्या
wicket = यष्टी
wicket keeper = यष्टिरक्षक
wireless = बिनतारी
workshop = कार्यशाळा
worrisome = चिंताजनक